If you’re the owner of a small to mid-sized business in Florida, you’ve probably thought deeply about how to make your enterprise more profitable. In most cases, this can be accomplished one of three ways: You can improve or expand your product or service; you can develop more efficient business operations and processes or you can execute on these five marketing tactics to drive more profit for your business.
Fortunately for most business owners, the third option is often not only the most effective, but also the most feasible. By understanding a few essential concepts — or by working with a top Florida marketing agency — you can put together a comprehensive marketing plan that wins new customers and generates more revenue.
To help you get started with this process, let’s take a closer look at five foundational marketing concepts that, when taken together, can form the basis of an effective overall marketing strategy.
Put simply, media buying is the act of paying for exposure for a product or service. This exposure can be through a TV commercial, a newspaper or magazine ad, or any other medium that connects businesses with their intended audiences. This process is often handled by an outside media buying agency that coordinates the process of buying media. This can be done by buying billboards, paying for TV programming slots or taking out space in print publications.
The act of media buying is typically part of a larger, overall media strategy that outlines how businesses — or the media planning agency they work with – can optimize the process of getting marketing messages in front of audiences. These strategies generally involve a detailed mapping of the media environment and a review of existing media content and distribution channels.
By engaging in the processes of media buying and media strategy — either internally or by contracting services with a digital media buying agency specializing in media buying services — companies can target audiences with marketing content more effectively and at lower cost. This means that any business seeking to generate more revenue from its existing operations should strongly consider optimizing its overall media strategy — and a top Florida media buying agency can help you formulate the proper plan.
Digital marketing can be simply described as the marketing of products and services through digital technologies, including mobile phones, the Internet, display ads and other digital sources. Businesses typically handle their digital marketing efforts one of two ways: By devising and executing a digital strategy internally, or by contracting with a digital marketing agency — sometimes also called a “digital media buying agency,” “Internet marketing agency” or “digital marketing consultant.”
Digital marketers use a variety of tactics to market products and services to consumers. These tactics include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and search engine marketing. A top digital strategy agency also often specializes in high-level marketing techniques such as attribution modeling or data analysis.
Given the massive growth in digital content over the last two decades — with television networks and publishers migrating online and smartphones becoming a preferred method of content consumption — businesses that make digital marketing a priority have been well-positioned for success. Digital targeting and retargeting growth has tracked closely with this proliferation of digital content, with trillions of digital ads now being served each year.
Companies that make a priority of working with an expert digital marketing consultant, or top Florida digital marketing agency, can help generate profits by leveraging the wide reach, low cost model offered by digital ads.
Branding is a critical discipline within the marketing and advertising fields, as it differentiates the products and services offered by a business from its competition’s products and services. Businesses seeking to create a powerful brand story will often seek out the services of a top branding agency, one with the skill and experience to to execute a complete brand strategy from the ground up.
This may include aspects such as brand naming, designing a product or service (or its packaging), brand logo design, taglines, symbols and other graphics and generating compelling brand messages.
Once branding is developed, businesses must focus on brand positioning. This refers to the process of positioning a brand within a certain market niche. A technology company, for example, may wish to position its product as the most sophisticated in its category and also the most refined, going after a target demographic that is both tech savvy and style-conscious.
By partnering with top creative agencies to assist with product branding or brand style guide, companies can help carve out a competitive edge in their marketplace, while also cultivating a loyal customer base. The right brand consultant or branding agency can help develop brand messaging that connects with audiences on a personal level.
Consider, for example, the case of Apple. While the company certainly makes great products, that’s not really the secret to its success. Apple’s devices don’t always have the most advanced features; yet they do have a very distinct, fully-realized aesthetic and a deeply compelling brand story. Apple’s most dedicated customers buy their products because they perceive themselves to be an “Apple person” — one in line with the company’s very refined branding. They personally identify with the brand they are patronizing.
That kind of loyalty is priceless to businesses — and an excellent illustration of the power of branding.
There’s no doubt about it: If you’re the owner of a video production company Florida is one of the most attractive markets in which to operate. After all, sunny weather makes for fewer missed photo and video shoots.
That’s not the primary reason Florida has become synonymous with video production, however. Florida is home to some of the most talented creative agencies in North America, some of whom specialize in the kind of compelling digital video production that moves the needle in a marketing campaign.
Why is digital video production such a difference maker? Part of it has to do with changing attitudes. Today, digital video content has exploded in popularity, thanks to ubiquitous smartphones, technological advances such as 4K HD and the desires of younger people, who often prefer video content consumed over apps and social media platforms rather than the printed word. These developments have made video –whether seen in a campaign over commercial TV or social media — an integral part of modern marketing campaigns.
This means that for those interested in corporate video production Florida is also an excellent place to find help with such a project. Video production companies in Florida can assist with both motion graphics design and commercial video production services, helping local businesses create campaigns that attract eyeballs and win new customers.
Website Maintenance
Businesses should consider their website to be the public face of the company. If your website is clean, professional, updated and well-designed, it gives visitors confidence. Conversely, if your website is visually cluttered, out of date, broken, confusing, or just offers a generally poor user experience, potential and existing customers can be immediately turned off. This is one reason why hiring a website maintenance company can have such a positive effect for small to mid-sized businesses.
By opting to partner with a website management firm (or website updates company), businesses can outsource tasks that they may not have the expertise (or time) to complete. This may include paying attention to critical Google Maps updates, monitoring WordPress maintenance and supplying a fast and ready solution anytime a panicked “fix website” order comes down from a business struggling to keep its site live and fully functional.
In addition to these critical tasks, a website maintenance company typically offers a range of broader services to its clients. These may include a comprehensive website maintenance plan, a WordPress maintenance plan and other website maintenance services.
Perhaps the primary benefit of working with a website maintenance company is the knowledge that a company’s public face rests in qualified and experienced hands. Businesses don’t have to worry about missing critical updates, and losing functionality for customers — something that can quickly lead to outraged complaints and permanent loss of business. Additionally, the right website maintenance company can help ensure that all digital properties stay operational and user-friendly, something that will ultimately drive more revenue and profits to the businesses that own them.
The Takeaway
Marketing plays an absolutely critical role in the success or failure of a business. It helps differentiate products and services, and it also creates a story that resonates with audiences and helps them identify with the businesses they patronize. When done well, marketing is an incredibly powerful tool that can create significant competitive advantages.
By focusing on areas such as media buying, digital marketing, branding, video production and website maintenance services, businesses can drive more profits, reach new audiences and ensure that products and services are delivered in a consistent and reliable fashion.
If your Florida business could benefit from the help of one of Florida’s leading digital marketing agencies, don’t hesitate to reach out to BIGEYE today.