Social media is generally used to describe interactive communication and dialogue that is common to the internet today. This is sometimes referred to as web 2.0 and at the heart of this is what is known as user generated content. It included software and tools that allow users to create and share content among each other and this power of interaction can be sourced by entrepreneurs to promote their businesses.
Social media includes the use of internet forums, weblogs, blogs, micro blogging, podcasts, video diffusion, social bookmarking and site rating.
One of the advantages of using social media to promote your business is that it is relatively inexpensive and easier to use than traditional promotional media such as newspapers, television and radio. Therefore anyone with any level of expertise can use social media for self promotion and advertising agencies that do internet marketing are also able to use this to their advantage. Here are a few reasons why it’s so advantageous to use social media to promote your business:
Increasing and improving website traffic
Everyone that is interested in building a website for selling ideas or products knows that the greater the traffic to your website, the greater the chances you have of making a sale and once a customer is satisfied with the service on your site, the greater chance he has of coming again for the same product or another, and the greater the chance of recommending your sites to peers through social media.
[quote]You can also serve your company by including links in your social media posts and by sending information about your site to your network of friends that becomes propagated through the process.[/quote]
Creating space for your business
In order for your business to be recognized in its niche, you have to do marketing by spreading the information around and social media is one of the interesting ways for creating buzz about your business. Social media will permit you to build a following, and send your name about which will enable you to create a name or brand recognition.
Social media can help you engage with customers in an entirely new way
Using social media can enable you to get personal with your clients. This can create customer loyalty especially if you are there to participate in discussions, offer your opinions and regularly answer questions. Just like in normal day to day business interactions where we tend to go to the shop where the owner engages us in conversation and become friends with us, so too your customers will keep coming for more.
Social media can help boost sales
Social media has been known to return in sales, and has been one of the driving forces in internet marketing. By connecting with your peers and diffusing information and new product information, these links create interest and thus generates sales.
Social media can help with image management
Every business man takes care of his image and the company’s image and rumors have been known to destroy businesses. However with social media, you are able to keep on top and know about changes in your reputation as well as reply quickly and work to change the destructive comments and rumors.
Social media can help with marketing research
You can use social media to conduct marketing research. You can encourage people in your network to offer reviews as well as just influence the comments in a particular direction to see what your competition is doing or which product or service is hot at the moment. This can help you plan for future services and product releases.
Cost effective marketing with social media
Social media is cheaper to learn, source and use and therefore it can be very effective when used and a few minutes of your day concentrated to this activity can produce a great deal of returns for you in the long run.
It is important to establish from the outset what you want to achieve from engaging in social media. This way you can easily see whether social media provides you with a return on the investment of your time. Keep measuring your success against your goals. If something isn’t working then don’t be afraid to change it or try another type of social media.
Looking for more strategies that allow you to play up the advantages of using social media to promote your brand? Contact us today to learn more!