Market research innovators Holland Martini and Maria Vorovich, the co-founders of GoodQues, discuss why they’re on a mission to humanize research data. Learn how their unorthodox methods yield emotionally intelligent insights, the benefits of conducting taste tests in bars, and how using storytelling makes data more ‘sticky.’ Holland and Maria also address the role of AI in research and discuss examples where techniques drawn from psychotherapy yielded deeper consumer insights.
Episode Transcript
Adrian Tennant: Coming up in this episode of IN CLEAR FOCUS:
Holland Martini: I truly believe less is more because it helps you focus and make sure the decisions you’re making are based on the right questions and the right answers.
Maria Vorovich: We tell stories so that our clients remember the data, so that they’re excited to read it, so that they’re excited to share it.
Adrian Tennant: You’re listening to IN CLEAR FOCUS, fresh perspectives on marketing and advertising produced weekly by Bigeye, a strategy-led, full-service creative agency growing brands for clients globally. Hello, I’m your host, Adrian Tennant, Chief Strategy Officer. Thank you for joining us.
Today, brands look to their agency partners to create advertising campaigns that not only capture attention but also forge meaningful connections with consumers. As we’ve discussed in previous episodes of this podcast, to understand audiences, market research typically uses tried and true tools like surveys and focus groups. But researchers working in marketing communications are increasingly looking for ways to bridge the divide between objective, rational behavioral data generated by quantitative research and the more subjective, emotional aspects of consumer attitudes and preferences revealed through qualitative work. This gap can be especially problematic in the development of advertising during strategy development, media planning, and creative briefing, all of which require a deep understanding of the target audience. One company believes that what’s needed is an approach rooted in data while also deeply attuned to human emotions and experiences. GoodQues describes itself as an anti-research market research company that aims to humanize the data collection process. Challenging traditional research norms, GoodQues combines psychotherapy techniques and academic research principles to inform and inspire mixed methodologies, with the common aim of providing concise yet informative data that clients can easily understand and apply. Well, it’s an approach that’s clearly working because GoodQues counts TikTok, Pepsi, Frito Lay, Meta, Tropicana, Jägermeister, and many other household brands among its clients. And this year, GoodQues has been named one of the top fastest-growing companies by Inc. Magazine. Our guests today are the co-founders of GoodQues. Maria Vorovich is the Chief Strategy Officer, and Holland Martini is the Chief Insights Officer. To talk about their unorthodox approach to audience research, Maria is joining us today from Denver, Colorado, and Holland from New York City. Holland and Maria, welcome to IN CLEAR FOCUS.
Holland Martini: Hi, thank you so much for having us.
Maria Vorovich: We’re thrilled to be here.
Adrian Tennant: So Holland, first of all, how did you two meet?
Holland Martini: I love this question. It’s probably the first question we always get. Everyone thinks we were friends before GoodQues, but Maria and I actually met at our former job. We worked at one of the largest creative agencies in New York, which is Grey New York. Maria was the Head of Beauty for strategy within Grey, and I was the Head of Data Strategy. Our work fed a lot into one another. And we just naturally built a ton of respect for the way that we worked, the insights that we were looking for, and the approach to problem-solving. And then, ultimately, when we discussed research and what we wanted research to be, we realized we had the same vision for research. So definitely built off of a foundation of respect and colleagues, but we’re essentially family now.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, you co-founded GoodQues in 2019. What prompted you to establish the company?
Maria Vorovich: In our experience, initiative tends to be born out of frustration. And this was very much the case for GoodQues. So Holland and I were working together, and we were constantly ideating the What-ifs and What if we could do this? and What if we could do that? And what happens is often long-established companies have really complex infrastructure and a way of doing things. That’s what a lot of the benefit is the strong foundation. But the downside of that is that they really struggle to adapt and adopt new approaches and new ways of doing things. And s, while we were working at this kind of behemoth company, we only had one option for our ideas, and that was to start from scratch.
Adrian Tennant: As I mentioned in the intro, you’ve positioned GoodQues as the anti-research research company. Can you unpack that for us?
Holland Martini: My background was predominantly in market research in the market research industry. I spent my entire career in it. And I can just say with experience that I think the primary goal of the research industry is to provide answers. And that was constantly what we were doing, scrambling for answers. Where the industry is really lacking is the emphasis on what those answers are, and how those answers are being used, and how those answers are being retrieved. And so what we decided to do, is buck that trend. So as Maria said, you know, GoodQues was founded on exactly that frustration. We were frustrated by all these age-old techniques simply to get the answers to the client. Instead, what we wanted to do was ensure that the answers we get are truly human, that people can really sense that those answers are something that they could work off of as opposed to trying to showcase rigor through these hundred-page decks of raw data. Which is, I think that was, you know, a big frustration I experienced in my career was that the bigger, the more complex [it] was, the better ultimately. And instead, what we’re trying to showcase is how to make deliverables that are designed for who is reading them and how they’re being used so that they become sticky throughout the organization. I can’t tell you how many times I would deliver a research report, and maybe it ended up in the trash for all I know. And for us, it’s really important to make sure that those insights are just top of mind, that they’re exciting, that people are using them, and that it’s something that you want to share. And that’s really where the anti-research research company came from. We all have the same goal, but we’re really almost doing the opposite of normal deliverables and the opposite of more of those traditional techniques.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, Do you work directly with brands, partner with agencies, or a mixture of both?
Maria Vorovich: So, we predominantly work with brands, not agencies, and it’s really due to a simple reason, and that’s just infrastructure. We absolutely love agencies. We hail from agencies. We know agencies. We speak agency language. But the problem with the infrastructure is actually on the client’s side. So by the time a creative agency receives a brief, the client has already done the rigmarole of going through the insights group, and their research vendors. So the agency receives this research-backed brief. And at that point, the agency might have some questions, but the research then becomes a stepping stone to getting creative output versus the main event, which happened a few months back. So what we found is that because we’re hyper, hyper specialists in our field, because we live and breathe data, we tend to be the most useful on the client side, developing even the brief that the agency gets. And then once the agency, the creative agency, is brought in, we’re more of the support team than we are, then we are kind of an equal partner.
Adrian Tennant: How do your skill sets complement one another? And I’ll begin with you, Holland.
Holland Martini: Yeah. We are very much yin and yang. Her strengths are my weaknesses, and I’m sure she would say the opposite for me as well. But we’re very left brain, right brain. And I think that’s actually what makes GoodQues so strong. I’m very much a math person, I think in numbers, I think very linear. Maria, you know, her background is in art. She’s very conceptual. She can think of things and piece together different facets of insights that I wouldn’t be able to. And so what that does for us is ultimately create a perfect storm of the rigor and the math and the analysis that makes very concrete insights. And then the story and the strategy and the creativity that makes them sticky, that makes them actionable, that makes brands want to use them.
Adrian Tennant: Maria?
Maria Vorovich: I couldn’t have said it better. You know, the part of the anti-research research model is that we’re able to have extremely creative methodologies, but never at the detriment of rigor. That’s kind of a yin and yang partnership that Holland was talking about. We can become really, really creative. We can think outside the box. We have that muscle, but we will never compromise on it being sound data. and that’s the magic of GoodQues.
Adrian Tennant: Last year, GoodQues serviced over $72 billion in client revenue, researching audiences including moms, bone marrow donors, juice drinkers, at-home chefs, and environmentalists, to name a few. Maria, you touched on how creativity is central to your research methodologies, could you give us a couple of examples of how GoodQues uses novel, non-obvious approaches to yield richer audience insights?
Maria Vorovich: Absolutely. One of my favorite examples is one of our more emotionally complex problems that came across our desk. So we were working with a government-funded agency that was studying racism in healthcare, specifically with the AAPI community. And they came to us to help understand the issue and help understand the source of any problems. And I believe a typical research agency would go about it qualitatively. They would conduct some kind of interview, even if it’s one-on-one, in-depth. But racism is such a difficult thing to talk about, especially with a stranger. And just asking the question we knew straight off the bat just wouldn’t be enough. So this is where the creativity came in and what we started to think about was how do we loop in some psychology principles, how do we put on our psychotherapist hat, and approach the problem that way. And that’s exactly what we did. We use the technique that we often use now, which is art therapy. And what this does is we gathered our respondents, and we gave them access to software that allowed them to create cartoons. And when they are creating these cartoons, they can choose their avatar, they can choose their clothing, they can choose the word bubbles, they can choose the environment, they can choose the characters around them, they can choose as many or as little panels if you imagine a cartoon as they’d like. And what we essentially got are these storyboards of situations where they were reenacting the moments that had happened to them in their lives. And through that, the kinds of things we were able to learn were absolutely extraordinary and we have never come out of a conversation. So the example I love to give is what we learned racism is very much felt in the healthcare environment by this group, but it’s rarely felt by the healthcare providers. So the doctors, the HTPs, the nurses, typically where it’s coming from is from the tangential surrounding staff. So from the billers, the receptionists, this kind of thing. And again, you know, if we had had just a conversation, I don’t believe that that would ever have come out. And so that kind of creativity is what takes us from mundane insights or surface level to real, real depth, giving people that comfort, thinking about how do we make them feel able to open up to us versus forced to have the conversation. So hopefully, that gives a little bit of a taste of what we do.
Adrian Tennant: It does, thank you. Now, Holland, you referred to the 100-plus page decks a moment ago. You, however, feel that less is more when it comes to – rather than more is more – less is more when it comes to research. Can you share some examples of how this is reflected in the work GoodQues does for clients?
Holland Martini: Yeah, absolutely. and I think the less is more is a bit taboo coming from a data nerd, so I do have a strong opinion on this, but I think what makes GoodQues extremely unique is the fact that we’re a team of not just researchers and analysts, but we’re built both by analysts and strategists. And that creates a different level of thinking. And it’s not just can we provide the answers to our clients’ questions, but it’s to make sure our clients are asking the right questions. Why are you asking the questions? And that helps us focus on the right answers. I think a big pet peeve with a lot of people who look at different metrics and data, for example, you have five different data points, two go up, three go down, and then it’s, then what, what are you doing? And people are making very large brand decisions off of this. And that’s why I truly believe less is more because it helps you focus and make sure the decisions you’re making are based on the right questions and the right answers. So I’ll give you an example to contextualize it. One of our clients is one of the biggest beers. You go in any bodega in New York or anywhere from wherever you’re listening, and you see this beer. And they really think that the backbone of their brand is quality, and all the decisions they make are off of these various metrics that showcase what quality is to them. Variables like the price, the packaging, what people think of the packaging, where it’s placed, the taste, and whether or not people know the heritage of the brand. And they’re making huge decisions off of these data points that they measure every month. And ultimately, our opinion of a beer isn’t necessarily changing every month. And are these even the variables we’re looking at to decide if it’s quality? So what we did with this brand is we actually focused the client. We asked the single most important question, which is: “What does quality mean to your consumer”? And we looked outside of the box. We strategized what other answers are there other than the ones that you just think of top of mind, like the taste, like the packaging, like where it’s located. And we actually found out that for this particular drinker, quality to them was scarcity, whether it was like hard to find, hard to get. We think of brands that have drops, for example, where you have to go out and be the first one to get it. And that’s how they were measuring quality. So different from the variables that the brand was originally mentioning. Now, yes, scarcity is a very complex thing to build a brand strategy around, so I don’t want anyone to run with that. But the point being is that it focused for the client. and they had kind of a North Star to look at when making decisions as opposed to, sorry for the bad analogy, a universe of stars that they were trying to digest and then make decisions off of.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, on your website, you talk about conducting qualitative work in bars instead of research facilities and gamified surveys versus standard questionnaires. What motivates these kinds of unorthodox approaches?
Maria Vorovich: So it’s interesting. It’s unorthodox for our category, but, it stems from a principle that’s been widely used, I would say, from the early 2000s of human-first principles and design thinking, and even product development. It’s very squarely fits in the tech space. It’s actually an idea that showed up on a TED stage as far back, I believe, as 2002. but what we’re doing is we’re bringing it into research, which is very novel and very, very fresh. And the main idea of it is to focus on people and their context more so than the goal, which, again, for our industry, is revolutionary. So if we think of a spirits company, for example, and if we think about them developing a product, and the goal is to determine which flavor drinkers will like best. So what happens historically is that taste tests are conducted in research facilities. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a research facility, but usually what that involves is fluorescent lighting, two-way mirrors, these office chairs, office tables, you know, three-day-old sandwiches. And it’s actually the opposite environment in which you might be drinking alcohol or taking shots. So yes, you’re going to achieve the goal in terms of, you’ll get some semblance of an idea of the flavor people like, but will it be accurate? Will it mimic a real-life environment? And so the human-first research design approach, we start to consider the people again, above the problem. So then it’s not just about getting the alcohol into people’s mouths, but it’s about thinking about what environment would they drink it in? Who would be there? What time of day would it be? What are they feeling in that moment? And the result is, and we’ve actually done this before, the result is a taste test, but it’s in a bar instead of a research facility. It’s at happy hour instead of noon time. And it’s with people of a similar age. Someone that they might actually be surrounded by in this environment. And again, the result of that is just a much more accurate reading of what will happen in the real world, than creating this kind of, you know, manufactured, environment because it’s more simple for research.
Adrian Tennant: Let’s take a short break. We’ll be right back after this message.
![]() | Adrian Tennant: Each month, in partnership with our friends at Kogan Page, the Bigeye Book Club brings you interviews with authors who are shaping the future of marketing. Our featured book for September is From Marginal to Mainstream: Why Tomorrow’s Brand Growth Will Come from the Fringes – and How to Get There First. This groundbreaking book by Helen Edwards explores the often untapped potential of fringe consumer behaviors and shows how they can be a renewable source of innovation for brands. The book provides a practical framework for identifying non-obvious opportunities and applying qualitative and quantitative research-backed insights for sustainable brand growth. As an IN CLEAR FOCUS listener, you can save 25% on a print or electronic version of this month’s featured book using the exclusive promo code BIGEYE25. This code is valid for all Kogan Page titles, including pre-orders, and their free paperback and e-book bundle offer. Shipping is always free to the US and UK when you order directly from Kogan Page, and it supports the authors as well. So, to order your copy of From Marginal to Mainstream, go to KoganPage.com. |
Adrian Tennant: Welcome back. I’m talking with the co-founders of GoodQues, Holland Martini, Chief Insights Officer, and Maria Vorovich, Chief Strategy Officer. Maria, in a piece published in Inc. Magazine, you said that GoodQues reports read more like steamy novels than Excel spreadsheets. So what role does storytelling play in communicating data to your clients?
Maria Vorovich: So there’s a statistic that I can’t take credit for. I believe it was something that came out in the 1980s, and it says that people are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it’s wrapped in a story. And it’s as simple as that. We tell stories so that our clients remember the data so that they’re excited to read it, so that they’re excited to share it. And the more that our data and our insights and our research seeps into their minds and their soul, the more likely they’re going to use it for strategic decisions. So, you know, you’re much more likely to read a steamy novel than a spreadsheet!
Adrian Tennant: Makes sense! Holland, this year, has of course, seen a tremendous amount of interest in marketing and advertising circles about artificial intelligence and a lot of debate about the merits and demerits of using generative technologies in creative work. We’re also seeing new AI-assisted tools coming on the market every week, it seems, including research tools with ChatGPT-like features. So given that GoodQues’s mission is the humanization of data and more emotionally intelligent insights, what’s your take on AI’s role in research?
Holland Martini: So, AI is, it’s really useful in research, so I won’t ding it at all, but there is something to be noted that there needs some sort of human element to it. Every answer that you ask artificial intelligence, the output is based on the question that you give it. The brief that you give it. So unless you are asking from a human perspective, with background and context, and writing the questions in a way that are human, in a way that’s going to tell the artificial intelligence to deliver the right answers, you simply won’t get them. The other thing to think about as well that is really important to me is that artificial intelligence, especially if you think of the ones like ChatGPT, they’re all based on things that people wrote on the internet. It’s all human-based at the end of the day. And so that’s why it’s also really important to think about the way you write the questions because you have to probe this artificial intelligence to look for the right information based on the way people are writing it online, digitally, et cetera. So for us, again, it’s something that we see really adding to the future of research. It’s just how we use it and how we’re thoughtful about using it to make sure that it actually feeds our brands with the right insights.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, do you have anything to add to that?
Maria Vorovich: I like to think about it as an analogy. It’s almost the commander and cadet dynamic. Whereas the human is the commander and the cadet, no matter how talented, without the commander, won’t know where to go. And I think that’s the exact dynamic in AI. Again, AI is tremendous at analyzing data, and brainstorming formulas, but you can test it yourself using ChatGPT. The question that you input will so drastically impact the output you’ll instantly realize the power of the human element.
Adrian Tennant: Holland, What are some concrete strategies that marketers can use to build loyalty now to grow their brands through emotional intelligence?
Holland Martini: I might be a little bit biased here, but I do think emotional intelligence is the key to building brand loyalty and seeing sustainable growth for brands. Obviously, as long as all functional needs are met within the product or whatever you’re delivering to the consumer. If research is done right, each strategy should really be bespoke to that brand, or that company, or whoever their client is, and it’s unique to that customer. But what I can give you is two concrete research strategies that we use that ensure you’re getting the right answers to build your emotional intelligence. I think the two that are most important are first, it’s always important to get to know your audience before you build a study for them. So we completely immerse ourselves in who the audience is, how they talk, the brands that they mention. We do it in things like Reddit and in forums, even just the people around us that we know. And I can give you an example of this. So one of our bigger clients had us researching developers. You don’t know how developers talk, their lingo, or what makes them open up. And we found actually that when you act like you know everything about. developing, that these people actually close up because it becomes almost this competitive, well, “I know just as much as you, I’m not going to give away my secrets.” But if you act like a newbie, if you will, then they love to teach you. They feel like they have the upper hand. And so it’s these small personality traits that you learn about your audience before you even write the study for them. That can evoke so much more meaningful responses and make them feel like they’re actually talking to a person within their community as opposed to talking to a person within a research facility. So we always say that, you know, and this leads me to my next point, the way that you ask a question is the way that you respond. So if a kid is like, “Mommy, I’m hurt,” like “I fell.” You respond, “Oh baby, is it a boo boo?” It’s a natural response for us to mimic the way that we are responding to people by the way that we are being spoken to. And so my second one is also to think about the questions. Copywrite your questions when you’re building a study for your different audiences, and you really want to ensure that you’re gleaning the right emotional intelligence. I’m going to steal this from Maria. This is Maria’s example, but it’s the best way to put it. So sorry, Maria. She always gives the example of these two statements. One is the difference between “Would you like to work with me?” versus “Would you like to work for me?” It’s asking the same thing, but that one change in the word changes the entire intention and the meaning of that sentence, and the way that you would respond to it. One is a little more closed off, and one is a little bit more open. For me is a very intentional, “This is what you would do for me” and with me is “What we would do together.” And so the one thing that I would really encourage people to do when they are trying to gather more intelligent, emotional intelligence through research is to make sure that they are copywriting each question and being very, very thoughtful about the way that they are asking the questions. It’s new to the world of research. We use this example a lot as well, but when you see a tagline on a commercial, Someone thought of those five words for probably six months. And then when we do research, we’re expected to turn around a research brief in a week, and it’s hundreds and thousands of words sometimes. So it’s really being thoughtful about how you ask the questions to gain the right emotional intelligence.
Adrian Tennant: An article in Adweek’s Agency Spy earlier this year revealed that at GoodQues you’ve developed a custom deck of playing cards, which you now consider essential work tools. So, what prompted you to create the deck? And how did you decide on the specific questions or prompts to include?
Maria Vorovich: Yeah, that’s a great question. So we’re very much culture vultures at GoodQues. We love to monitor what’s going on in the world. We live and breathe it, and these question cards were gaining steam. I’m sure you’ve seen some of them. And we were seeing our friends, our lovers, our coworkers, all kind of playing these games. With the intention of getting closer to each other. Again, whether it’s a co-working relationship, an intimate relationship, a friendship, et cetera. And so we were extremely inspired by it. And we thought, as a company named GoodQues, a good question, we should probably have our own stake in the ground around what good questions are. and the truth is, is that it could have been an infinite amount of questions. We chose some of the most hard-hitting, empathetic, and interesting questions that we like to ask of ourselves and our audience. And the way that the card deck was developed was not just a tool for GoodQues but also as a gift for our clients and prospects. So we sent it out, and again, in the hopes that people think twice about how they ask the question and the kind of question they’re asking of themselves and of others.
Adrian Tennant: Holland, can you share an example of a time when using your custom playing cards led to a breakthrough or significantly improved a session with participants?
Holland Martini: Yeah. So I think one thing that also was a catalyst for why we built these playing cards is because there are so many studies that suggest that people are more likely to be honest with you and open up to you if they know more about who you are as a person. And the playing cards are meant to do exactly that, provide more color, more context to who you are as a person based on these more intimate or interesting questions that really provoke thought. And so what we’ve done before is we’ve actually used these cards in qualitative focus groups to allow people to open up with one another, especially when these focus groups are about to talk about sensitive topics. By giving someone some background of who you are, there’s a little bit more context to why you are answering the questions the way you are, and it provides a little bit more empathy. It’s led to more fruitful conversation and a lot less beating around the bush, if you will, when suddenly being asked a sensitive question in front of a group of strangers. It’s a way to make people feel a little bit less like strangers, even though you kind of are. You have one hour with people you’ve never met before. And so we’ve seen a drastic increase in the insights we get and the authenticity behind them.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, looking ahead to 2024, in what kinds of ways can brands grow profitably by understanding customer emotions?
Maria Vorovich: As recently as 2022, a Gallup poll found that approximately 70 percent of consumer decisions are based on emotional factors and only 30 percent are based on rational factors, and that’s one poll. The truth of it is, and in my opinion, it’s probably something like 90%, it’s based on emotion. And so brands need to tap into that emotion in order to outmaneuver their competition, in order to truly understand their audience, to inform their strategic decisions. It’s the only way that a brand can go profitably is by, again, re-pivoting and beginning to focus on the people and the context, what we were saying that human design principles over just the goal or the problem, which will lead down the path of functional, rational, and uninspiring.
Holland Martini: So we actually did our own study that shows that people are willing to spend up to 20 times more on a brand that quote-unquote truly gets them. So for me, and I can speak to the rest of GoodQues as well, instead of thinking how customer emotions can drive profitability, I like to think of it as customer emotions and understanding customer emotions equals profitability. It’s a direct link as opposed to just a variable that will increase profitability.
Adrian Tennant: Maria, you led a session at South by Southwest in 2022, and you’ve also submitted an idea for 2024 centered around the language of digital culture. Can you tell us more about that?
Maria Vorovich: Absolutely. And some of the listeners listening to this podcast now might remember the era when digital was a separate work stream entirely from traditional. and that was a separate work stream from social. And it’s only recently that all of those social, digital, mainstream, and traditional are starting to blur together. And I would say that the same thing is happening with language. Digital language patterns are bleeding into everyday language. So people are very likely to say something like, “LOL,” when they find something humorous, which is just shorthand for a “Laugh Out Loud.” And that was born, that was birthed in text messages. And now it’s part of everyday nomenclature. And so this has so many implications for research, an environment where, again, how we communicate, what we say, how we write the question is really critical to getting the point across and getting the right insight. So we’re studying this phenomenon closely and we’re starting to integrate memes. We’re starting to integrate emojis. We’re starting to even integrate slang into how we write our research studies when it’s appropriate in order, again, to connect with people and speak like them. So it’s, it’s really kind of interesting to see how digital culture is just, making its way into everyday culture, specifically with language.
Adrian Tennant: This May, you both became new moms just two days apart from each other. Well, obviously, first of all, congratulations! What has the experience of being new moms and business partners been like, and how has it impacted your day-to-day involvement in the business?
Maria Vorovich: Wow! What an extraordinary journey. And to say that the two days apart was unplanned is an understatement. I think that it’s taught us so much in terms of how to be better business partners to each other, how to really practice trust with each other and with our team. And more than anything, for me, it’s taught me efficiency. Our involvement with the business is the same as ever, and we just have less time to do the same amount of work, if not more. and so, you know, again, it teaches you how to be really empathetic to not only your business partner, but your team, and also how to practice trust with not only your business partner, but your team. And Holland, I’d love to know if you have thoughts on that as well.
Holland Martini: Yeah, for me, it’s exactly what you said. It’s really reinforced the importance of empathy. My day-to-day involvement, it just requires way more flexibility, way more coffee, and way more patience! And I think the other thing that is more of a learning, if you will, is it also has given us room to allow our team to grow in a way that I don’t know it would have before without us with Maria and I both being out for a substantial time, which again was – it’s wildly unplanned. It’s given our team time to shine and really step into roles that we never expected. And we’re lucky to say that they’ve exceeded all of our expectations. And it’s not that we haven’t given them that potential before, but it was just a set of circumstances that allowed people to step into roles well above what was anticipated. And it was beautiful to see our company grow and shine regardless of us being less present.
Adrian Tennant: What are your future goals or aspirations for GoodQues?
Holland Martini: That’s a good question. It’s a hard one. I think we’ve been very lucky to run GoodQues as a lifestyle business. We’ve had very good momentum. We’ve seen a lot of growth, but it hasn’t been at the expense of our personal lives and at the expense of hiring quality people, or at the expense of doing good work for our clients. So for me, it’s just maintaining sustainable growth. While delivering quality work and ensuring that we have a fun company culture and environment, it’s really rare to be able to say that you get to do a job that you love, especially in the industry that we are in. and to have hours that are comfortable and deliverables that you’re proud of. And for me it’s, it’s just maintaining that growth, and that will make me happy enough.
Adrian Tennant: Maria?
Maria Vorovich: I couldn’t have said it better than Holland. I’ll leave it at that.
Adrian Tennant: If IN CLEAR FOCUS listeners are interested in learning more about GoodQues, what’s the best way to get in touch with you?
Holland Martini: Yes, this is an easy answer, short and sweet. We respond to emails at info@goodques.com. That’s our primary form of communication. So that’s where to find us.
Adrian Tennant: And if you’d like to learn why memes and emojis are the new language of research, you can vote for a session on the South by Southwest panel picker. We’ll provide a link in the transcript for this episode. Maria and Holland, thank you both very much for being our guests on IN CLEAR FOCUS.
Holland Martini: Thank you so much for having us.
Maria Vorovich: Thank you.
Adrian Tennant: Thanks again to my guests this week, the co-founders of the market research agency, GoodQues, Holland Martini, Chief Insights Officer, and Maria Vorovich, Chief Strategy Officer. As always, you’ll find a full transcript of our conversation along with links to the resources we discussed on the Bigeye website at Bigeyeagency.com. Just select ‘podcast’ from the menu. Thank you for listening to IN CLEAR FOCUS, produced by Bigeye. I’ve been your host, Adrian Tennant. Until next week, goodbye.