In honor of the upcoming holiday, an infogram full of fun facts about the Fourth of July. Happy holiday!
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Happy 4th of July
In honor of the upcoming holiday, an infogram full of fun facts about the Fourth of July. Happy Holiday!
4th of July fun facts
On this day 235 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, starting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a sovereign nation. It’s customary to celebrate the national holiday with red, white, and blue, fireworks and parades, stars and stripes, flags, family gatherings and backyard barbecues.
- $11 Million popsicles
- $94 Million lighter fluid
- $600 million fireworks
- $193 million hamburger patties
- $63 million dips
- $11 million charcoal
- $203 million mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard
- $101 million sodas
- $341 million beer
- $167 million watermelon
- $92 million chips
- $161 million lettuce, tomatoes, relish and onions
The price of freedom
655,754 american soldiers have died in battle since 1775.
Are you confused?
26 percent of americans don’t know which country the United States won its independence from.
The british are coming
On Independence day in 1776, the British were our adversaries. Today they are the U.S.’s 6th leading trading partner, trading $98.3 billion annually.
The U.S imported 3.2 million American flags in 2010; over 80 percent were imported from China.
Number of U.S. flags flown over the U.S. Capitol last year at the request of House and Senate members. On July 4 alone, 1,200 were flown over Washington, D.C. (From the U.S. Capitol Flag Room.)
The stars on the original American flag were arranged in a circle to ensure that all colonies were equal.
A Growing Nation
311.7 Million – The nation’s estimated population on this Fourth of July
2.5 Million – The estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation in July 1776.
Watch Out For The Fireworks
Last year there were 11,000 firework-related injuries nationwide.
$190.7 Milion – The value of fireworks imported from China, representing the bulk of all U.S. fireworks imported ($197 million) last year.
4 out of every 10 people injured were children under 15 years of age.
1,000 injuries. The second most often injured body parts are the face, eyes, and ears. With bruises, cuts and foreign objects in the eye occurring more frequently.
1,400 injuries. The most often injured body parts are the hands and fingers. More than half of those injuries were burns.
On the 4th of July New York City had the largest fireworks display in the country, with over 22 tons of pyrotechnics exploded. That’s the same weight as five and a half adult elephants.
Chew on this
More than 74 million americans will BBQ today.
July is national hot dog month.
155 million hot dogs will be consumed during the July 4th weekend alone (the biggest hot-dog holiday of the year). That is enough hot dogs to stretch from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., more than five times.
Joey Chestnut logged his third consecutive victory after eating a world-record 68 franks at the annual Nathan’s Famous hot-dog eating contest in Coney Island.
Top 5 holidays for beer sales in this order
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Memorial Day
- Father’s Day
- Christmas
68.3 million cases of beer are sold on independence day.
Drunken state, Montana has the highest per capita beer consumption. Each Montanan drinks on average of 43.7 gallons of beer a year.
The Fourth of July has repeatedly ranked as the deadliest holiday of the year. For alcohol-related fatal crashes even deadlier than New Year’s Day.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.