In celebration of the art scene evolving in the city of Orlando, BIGEYE is partnering with the Downtown Arts District to hold a mural design contest among local artists for BIGEYE on the Arts. Designs should pay tribute to BIGEYE’s new neighbor, the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, and the booming cultural corridor in Orlando. Artists will submit designs to info@bigeyeagency.com, where they will be uploaded to Downtown Arts District’s Facebook page for viewing. Designs should also give a nod to the BIGEYE brand, as it will be placed on one of the agency location’s external walls, facing east on Anderson Street.
Key Dates:
- Wednesday, Sept. 10: Call for entries
- Monday, Oct. 6 at 5 p.m.: Deadline for submissions
- Tuesday, Oct. 7: Deliberations with committee – selection of winner and designated runner-up / winner notification pending Board approval
- Week of Oct. 6: Final winner notification
- Friday, Oct. 17 – Wednesday Oct. 29: Production
- Thursday, Oct. 30: Mural is up!
Submission Guidelines:
Mural size to be approximately 16’w x 8.5’h. Entries will only be accepted electronically (.png, .jpeg, .PDF) to info@bigeyeagency.com beginning on Sept. 10, 2014 and must contain the following information:
In the subject line of your email, please include the following: “BIGEYE on the Arts Submission,” and list the following in the body of your message:
- Artist’s Name
- Artist’s Contact Information – email address and phone number
- Artist’s statement
- Artist’s mural experience and description of previous mural projects completed
- All eligible entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Oct. 6, 2014, and will be judged by a panel consisting of:
- A representative from BIGEYE
- A representative from Consensus Communications
- A representative from Downtown Arts
- A representative from the Orlando City Commission
- A representative from the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center
- One preliminary winner and one runner-up will be initially notified during the week of Oct. 6, 2014, pending approval and selection of the final design by the Appearance Review Board of the City of Orlando. Upon Board approval, the designated winner should be prepared and able to begin production on the mural no later than Oct. 17, 2014, with a completion date of Oct. 30, 2014. The winner agrees to make him or herself available for media inquiries during the production of the mural, and to participate in an unveiling ceremony on a date to be dually agreed upon by contest representatives and winning artist.
- $750 cash prize to be awarded to winner for participation. Paint supplies to be donated by Sam Flax to fulfill project requirements.
- No obscene text or images that could be offensive will be allowed.
- The winning artist will receive a monetary prize and the opportunity to display his/her work in a prominent location in Downtown Orlando[CM1] .
- Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
- Does the design and description illustrate the stated goal?
- Is the design easy to distinguish to a passerby via car or pedestrian?
- Is the design able to be translated to the necessary size requirements (approximately 16’w x 8.5’h)?
- Does the design speak to downtown Orlando’s culture?
- Does the design combine elements that represent BIGEYE and the arts presence through the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center?
- Does the design incorporate BIGEYE’s name within the design? (logo cannot take up more than 20% of the mural area).
- The artist maintains ownership of the work. BIGEYE will have rights to the licensing of the artwork for reproduction for promotional and other use. BIGEYE will not be held liable for complications that may occur while the mural is in production.