The last few weeks have been a blur of deadlines, presentations and website launches at BIGEYE. It’s times like these that have the office operating in turbo mode. It’s time like these that define an agency.
Everyone on the BIGEYE team felt the pressure of quickly approaching deadlines, presentations and launches, and the office was noticeably quieter. But between the long periods of keyboard tapping and mouse clicking, were the sounds of ping-pong balls slamming, champagne popping and the occasional outburst of a popular rap or Rebecca Black song (given the day the of the week).
Celebrating milestones and working with a team of genuinely great people, allows BIGEYE to shine under pressure. Where some agencies may let the stress of tight deadlines get the best of them, the BIGEYE team has an uncanny ability to grow stronger relationships, produce Eye-catching work and, really, enjoy the process.
It’s not uncommon for an agency to have a ping-pong table or some other piece of equipment that screams, “our agency is fun.” But how often do the employees get to use it? I’ve been at BIGEYE for almost a year, and I can honestly say that this is one agency where what ya see is what ya get. Awesome work is accompanied by awesome people. People who aren’t afraid to engage in a ping-pong tourney, belt out a Rebecca Black song or toast to a job-well-done after a hard week’s work.
We take our work seriously, but not ourselves. And that’s what makes every day feel like “FRIDAY, FRIDAY …”
We can’t lie, we’re pretty fun.