There’s a lot of content out there on the Internet about any subject that you could possibly ever want to know about (turns out that woman you recognized on White Collar is actually the girl who played Kelly on Saved By the Bell – thank you, Wikipedia!). This is particularly true in the social media world, which churns out a constant stream of information through a network of tech-loving writers who are borderline obsessed with posting and reposting the news of the day. If you don’t have your own in-house social media editor to sift through the mess, let our Florida advertising agency guide you to the best social media and marketing blogs.
Mashable: Tried and true, Mashable offers a constant stream of updates about all things social media. Pete Cashmore placed his bets on the social media industry early on, taking it seriously as a field that would continue to grow. Today, Mashable is the most comprehensive listing of social media news and updates on the web.
Seth Godin’s Blog: As an internationally known marketing expert, Seth Godin is straightforward, honest and to the point. And it’s not just our Florida advertising agency that sees the value in Seth’s words – his blog is also typically ranked as one on Ad Age’s top 10 of the top 150 blogs tracked.
VentureBeat: VentureBeat has Silicon Valley on lock. With constant updates about the newest trends in social media and tech, this is a website that any tech savvy individual should bookmark and visit frequently. It’s a great place to find out about the newest and emerging trends – the ones that will affect the future of social media marketing.
TechCrunch: With such an overlap between tech trends and social media, it’s great to find a blog that gives superior coverage to both. TechCrunch, part of AOL’s digial empire, offers interesting and insightful content that’s useful for anyone in any emerging industry. And, the writing itself is some of the best in the business.
Social Media Today: For anyone interested in social media marketing, this blog is a terrific starting point. This community-driven blog site is driven by experts such as yourself. The result is numerous differing views as to trends in social media, all moderated for quality to offer the best composition of blog posts in any one site.
CopyBlogger: CopyBlogger offers excellent information about all fronts of content marketing. Content marketing as an industry itself has taken on all types of new directions in recent years, and since you can’t talk about content marketing without talking about SEO and social media, the blog offers a great resource for covering that area on all fronts.
All Things D: The D stands for digital, and the website that purports to cover all things digital stands up to its name. While it’s more of a tech blog and sometimes just even a fun news and current event blog, the social media coverage side offers some of the best coverage in the game. Plus, the easy-to-navigate site spins circles around competitors with fancy but not necessarily effective designs.
Marketing Tech Blog: Like a true marketing company, the Marketing Tech Blog emphasizes social media content, and innovations in the digital space – using lots of sharable information and infographics to sell the story.
ClickZ: With a constant stream of updates about innovations in social media and digital marketing, ClickZ ultimately focuses on one thing: teaching you how to get ClickZ for your company and your business’s social media.
Digital Buzz: While it’s more of a marketing site than a straight social media blog, Digital Buzz features content that our Orlando marketing agency loves. With fresh perspectives and information about new trends in digital media, true marketing professionals shouldn’t miss this site.
A few more blogs to add to your feed, these three cover analytics, platform strategy and management tools.
Buffer Social: This social media marketing blog covers the latest in tools, analytics and strategies, and an has an incredibly intuitive design. The blog features a wide variety of authors which keeps the content and tone fresh.
Jenn’s Trends: Jenn Herman is a social media management strategist and her blog focuses heavily on strategies for businesses to use on Instagram. If you’re looking to move your brand onto Instagram, or up your InstaGame, Jenn’s Trends a must-follow blog for your brand.
RazorSocial: Written by Ian Cleary, RazorSocial provides information on the latest social media tools and technology. He publishes a lot of how-to, cheat sheet, step by step and tips and tricks post that are easy to digest and apply to your business.
Honorable Mention – BuzzFeed: While BuzzFeed isn’t really a social media blog per se, it’s really a blog that’s all about posting content that people can share. If you’re a marketing expert and you’re looking for inspiration, check out BuzzFeed to see what the world is talking about right now.
In search of a few additional social media and marketing blog suggestions with the potential to make a big impact on your bottom line? Contact us today for more helpful tips and tricks to benefit your brand!