However, a well-written blog post that subtly touts the benefit of the same product that’s being cold called elicits a much more favorable response.That’s the key distinction between outbound and inbound marketing. One interrupts, the other earns attention from the reader or viewer. And while outbound marketing has its place and time, an inbound marketing strategy is the key to growing commerce.
Why inbound marketing boosts sales and revenue
According to Forbes, it would be difficult to overstate the true impact a well crafted inbound marketing strategy has on overall brand growth. Marketing emails, commercials and other forms of traditional outbound marketing seek to initiate conversation with audiences. It’s an aggressive approach and not particularly clever.
Inbound marketing strategies (such as conventional content marketing, book authorship, viral marketing etc.) attempt something more challenging: Igniting the interest of the audience, and compelling them to seek out a business. It’s a more subtle approach — and also one that can have a significantly larger payoff.
The increased difficulty of reaching prospective customers is one reason why inbound techniques have become more commonplace. Today, we’re all inundated with ads, which means that even the most skillfully executed outbound ad can get lost in the shuffle, becoming background noise. Ad-blocking technology, too, has reduced the potency of many traditional outbound ad strategies.
Great inbound marketing, however, can breach the mental blinders that audiences have against conventional advertising by offering something that’s useful, actionable, and compelling enough to make a prospect transform from the “pursued” to the “pursuer.”
To accomplish that, however, you’ll need a well-crafted inbound marketing strategy.
4 Tips for creating an inbound marketing strategy
Strong inbound marketing strategies tend to share a lot of the same characteristics. If you’re seeking to implement a new inbound strategy, consider taking the following steps:
1. Define your audience, your goals and the best environment to reach them. Who are your buyer personas? Where do they live? What interests them?
2. Create deeply compelling content. This is the building block of any successful inbound approach. Give the reader or viewer something with the capability to surprise, delight, entertain or educate, and you’ll leave them wanting more. Capturing interest is the first step toward generating more sales.
3. Ensure that your content is accessible. There’s no point in creating top-level content if it simply disappears into the void. This means you need to focus on modern SEO best practices, or perhaps even consider paid search placement.
4.Amplify your message and build relationships through social channels. Skillful use of all the major social platforms is an imperative for businesses seeking to build interest, develop relationships, burnish brand attributes and, create buzz.
The takeaway
Inbound marketing is a powerful tool for boosting sales and revenue — if executed competently. As a top Florida advertising agency, we do just that, helping our clients create the kind of inbound marketing campaigns that captivate, compel and convert. Contact us today if you’re ready to start seeing the power of sophisticated inbound marketing strategy.