The BIGEYE Team excitedly ran to the corner of Summerlin and Washington this morning to watch the space shuttle Endeavor’s last launch, only to be blinded by the sun glaring through a thick blanket of clouds. Not to worry, we knew our friends in the Twitterverse would have our backs.
As we returned to the BIGEYE house feeling a bit defeated, @StefMara was flying thousands of feet above us and had a VIP view of the launch. With ninja-like reflexes, she whipped out her phone and caught this momentous event on camera. And thanks to social networks like Twitter, we were able to share in her priceless experience.
Social networks are not only changing the way people socialize and receive news, but also, in this case, how they share out-of-this-world experiences.
See the video @StefMara shared with the world from up in the air!
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