Super-Fun Back to School Facts! Created by the BigEye Design Team!
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Back to School
By BIGEYE Posted on August 9, 2012
It’s that time again! Time to stock up on #2 pencils, notebooks, and new calculators. Will you be taking Biology or British Lit this semester? Trig or Tennis? Say goodbye to the summer and hello to long nights of pizza and page turning.
The price of education: The average American is expected to spend $688 on Back to School supplies per student. Clothing/accessories are around $246, electronics are $218, shoes an average of $129, and supplies around $95. Together, school-age and college expenses rank among the biggest consumer events of the year! When parents buy school supplies, Moms shop more at discount store (71% vs. 62% of dads). Dads shop more at department stores (65%) vs moms (55%). Dads also shop more at electronic stores (33%) vs moms (20%). 48% of parents shop online at least one month before school starts. 72% of parents say their kids influence half of the items they buy.
27% of students, aged 12-17, were in gifted classes in 2009.
As of October 2010, 72% of children ages 3-6 were enrolled in kindergarten.
12 million children spoke another language other than English at home in 2010.
Start dates for Florida Schools and Colleges:
- Wednesday August 8, 2012 – Brevard County
- Monday August 13, 2012 – Seminole County
- Monday August 20, 2012 – Orange Lake Volusia County & UCF & Rollins
- Friday August 24, 2012 – Osceola County
- Monday August 27, 2012 0 Valencia College