Audience Analysis

Why Automobile Marketers Must Understand Mom Marketing

Why Automobile Companies Must Understand Mom Marketing

It’s a movie cliche we’ve seen a million times: a woman goes to purchase a car, but gets swindled by a sleazy salesman because she supposedly doesn’t know her way around a car. Regardless of whether this was ever an accurate depiction of women’s role in the automobile purchasing process, this is certainly not the …

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating Brand Preference in Moms copy 1200x600 c default

3 Questions to Ask When Creating Brand Preference in Moms

For marketers who are aimed at creating brand preference in moms, it is useful to take a look at the brand itself. You want to attract the right types of moms for the brand, as attracting the wrong type can lead to dilution of brand value. Look at what your brand has to offer the …

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6 Jaw Droppingly Simple Marketing Tidbits We Bet You Didnt Know

Simple Marketing Tips and Tidbits You Need To Know

As the saying goes, you learn something new every day. That’s especially true in marketing, where sometimes even the smallest steps can lead to the largest payoff. The items below are simple marketing tidbits we’ve learned after endless trial and error, and that we’re passing along to you because we think you can benefit from our …

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Rational vs. Emotional – The Differing Appeals of the Healthcare Field in the Mom Market

The Differing Appeals of the Healthcare Field in the Mom Market

Once a marketer has addressed the proper mom segment for his product or service, it becomes time for him to create an approach that reaches out to her. Finding an appeal that works to address the target helps generate brand preference down the line. Just as there are multiple methods for subdividing the moms market, …

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trending celebritybabies – The Power of Using Babies to Market Your Brand 1200x600 c default

Unlock The Power of Using Babies to Market Your Brand

Babies are adorable! There’s nothing in the world as beautiful as a smiling newborn. For years, marketers have caught on to this, providing uplifting content that features babies in the forefront. One example is an Evian campaign that features babies on roller skates, dancing to “The Rapper’s Delight.” The video has over 18 million views …

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Is Your Marketing Campaign Mom Friendly

Is Your Marketing Campaign Mom-Friendly? Learn Why It Should Be

Over the past two decades, Moms have controlled up to 80% of household spending. When you break it down, they are not only buying for themselves but for many other age groups and demographics including adults, babies, tweens, teens, males and females. By putting in some consideration and tailoring your marketing campaigns to fit this …

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Marketing to Moms Night Time is the Right Time 1200x600 c default

How to Market to Moms: Night Time is the Right Time

When the producers at Viacom did some market data on their viewers, they discovered an interesting insight.  Moms would often put their children in front of the television to watch shows on Nickelodeon while they cooked, cleaned and did chores around the house, anytime between the hours of 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.  These mothers …

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A Facebook Only a Mother Could Love How Social Are Moms

A Face(book) only a mother could love: How social are moms?

When Facebook first began, it was a tool for students to connect with one another, typically within a limited age range of about 20-30.  Later, when Zuckerberg opened up the Facebook forum to people of all ages, more people learned about the value of reaching out to one another using what is now the world’s …

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