Email marketing through social media is growing. Pinterest is a new online social media site which was created to drive marketing through social media unlike Facebook and Twitter. Pinterest allows the email recipient to “pin” a brand, item, or ad that they like in order to share it with their friends. BIGEYE, a Florida Marketing Agency is using this social media platform and would like to share it here. There are several ways our Orlando marketing agency believes how Pinterest can help with email marketing to make it effective. It is also a new way to ensure there is interest to view the ad email rather than log it immediately as spam.
Social Media Marketing through Our Orlando Marketing Agency
Florida marketing agency does suggest the use of social media marketing. This new website is designed around what customers want. Before creating any email to send Orlando marketing agency is going to answer the question about what customers want from a potential business. They will also create an ad that focuses on proper content within the email. There has been a long discussion on what is not spam when it comes to email marketing. Coupons, an informative article, and something that does not oversell a business tend to obtain more views based on research viewed by Florida marketing agency.
Creative Marketing Agency Tips for Email Marketing
While proper content and what the consumer wants is important, there is one other tip Florida marketing agency can provide. The tip is to place the marketing ad with care in the email. An obvious ad or a repetitive ad is going to be viewed as spam. Rather, Orlando marketing agency has found an email with something to share, such as Pinterest content will attract more attention. The idea of this email marketing is to get friends and family interested in the product being advertised.
Contact us today for information on how we can help your social media presence grow!