For those who saw The Devil Wears Prada (c’mon boys, you know you loved it), believe Miranda Priestly when she tells Andy:
“That sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually Cerulean … That blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you’re wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room.”
In 2000, Pantone LLC, the world’s leading color authority, decided Cerulean would be the color of the year. It made its way through fashion shows, interior decorations and graphic designs. No doubt, we caught a glimpse of Cerulean every day in the year 2000, whether in passing on a billboard, in the Target Home Furnishings section, or in Macy’s clothing department. Pantone’s Color of the Year affects our daily lives. Ms. Priestly was right (she just forgot to mention that Pantone plays an influential role in the colors designers incorporate into their pieces), so why not embrace it?
Over the past 10 years, Pantone has chosen colors like Fuchsia Rose (2001), Aqua Sky (2003) and Sand Dollar (2006) as the colors of the years—each varying in only pinks, blues and yellows, oddly enough. So it comes as no surprise that 2011’s choice is none other than the vibrant, rosy-colored Honeysuckle. That’s right, we said rosy. We thought Honeysuckle was an orangey-yellow, too.
According to Pantone, Honeysuckle’s dynamic red and pink tones encourage us to push beyond the escape and “meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of [our] everyday lives.” It’s vibrant and uplifting, sure to bring confidence and liveliness back into our world; and it’s about time. Get ready to see Honeysuckle in weddings, bedspreads, commercials and so much more. Pops of this playful pink are about to start showing up everywhere, so how are you going to utilize it?
Color can affect us both physically and emotionally, according to Kate Smith from Sensationalcolor.com. Vibrant pinks like Honeysuckle can increase blood pressure and encourage action and confidence. It’s the color of happiness, often reminding women of the lightheartedness of their youth, according to TK person. We see pink as an international symbol of hope in the fight against breast cancer. But it’s not just a feminine color. The Japanese associate the color with masculinity, symbolizing fallen Samurai of the past in the annual blooming of the cherry blossom trees. Any chance you’re craving sweets after all this pink talk? It’s been said to do that too.
In search of a color palette to best represent your brand? Our creative team possesses the expertise to assist you in finding your perfect match – contact us today to schedule a consultation!