Congratulations! You’ve earned your bachelor’s degree and you’re now ready for the next chapter in your life. Welcome to the job market that’s only a little less horrible then the one from last year. The transition from college to work may be one of the hardest tasks you face in 2011. If you feel completely lost and you are still unemployed, don’t worry, you’re not alone. You may find yourself moving back into your parents’ house for a while before you earn enough money to get on your feet. Although it may sound dreadful, it’s probably a smart move.
So what’s the next step? Design a plan and get organized! Invest your time in finding work, any kind of work. A great way to gain experience in your desired field, especially as an entry-level job seeker, is an internship.
You’ve heard it all before. “It’s a great way to get your foot in the door.” “It’s a good stepping stone.” Sound familiar? You may be thinking, “blah, blah, blah,” as it goes in one ear and out the other. Back up a little, and re-think. An internship may be the key to landing a future job or may lead to other potential opportunities. Although some internships may not include compensation, you can definitely look forward to gaining valuable and relevant skills needed for a real job.
Today’s world is all about connections and networking. Of course, some types of social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook can be beneficial networking tools, but there is nothing like getting out in the real, non-virtual world and getting noticed.
Set yourself apart from the rest of the job seekers through your resume. Employers will receive tons of resumes that list a bachelor’s degree or a job at the local Cold Stone Creamery. Illustrate what makes you different. An internship will show dedication to learning about the industry before becoming an employee.
If you have a relative in the business or found an amazing job through sheer luck, you are one of the very few. For those who are sick of the stressful economy you must gain motivation and take initiative in your career aspirations. Develop essential skills, boost your resume and gain networking contacts by starting an internship. You never know what you will learn or whom you will meet.
BIGEYE Creative offers a couple of internships in the marketing/advertising industry. No, you will not be fetching coffee for office employees. You will build important skills by working both independently and with a team on numerous creative projects while gaining essential office environment experience. Take it from a current BIGEYE intern and job seeker. An internship will give you an advantage and the confidence needed to land that future job.
BIGEYE offers internships that prepare you for the real world. See what kind of interns we are looking for here.