Technology is moving at a phenomenal pace. Technologies we thought would never die are now obsolete, and the items that are here to stay have gotten fundamentally better in the past couple of decades. The emergence of a technology-driven era shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Long ago, advertisers were responsible solely for creating content to be published in newspapers, magazines and, eventually, billboards and outdoor spaces. While those media are shrinking as we make way for more effective (and often less expensive) digital advertising, these items still remain integral to a cohesive marketing strategy for many businesses of all sizes.
However, at our Florida advertising agency, we believe the role of the advertiser is changing. Advertising now requires an understanding of how to leverage technology and data to help generate successful campaigns that reach the masses in unprecedented ways. Granted, advertisers have always been on the forefront of technology, but these days, a cohesive advertising campaign requires more innovation than ever.
In boardrooms around the world, advertisers are already putting together initial plans to leverage advertising on Google Glass–product that didn’t even EXIST a month ago. This is indicative of the challenges that advertisers will face going forward. What comes next? An Apple-driven way to change your brainwaves? A way to tell your smart TV what you want to watch by simply looking at it?
[quote]The new role of an advertiser is that of a creative technologist. In the future, this role will dominate the advertising space. [/quote] A recent video from Code.org shows Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg evangelizing the importance of coding as an invaluable skill set, as well as people like will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas, a notably unassuming advocate for digital development.
Advertisers who are not on the cutting edge of technology will be at a stark disadvantage if they fail to remain on the forefront of digital trends. As such, it requires them to visionaries, implementing innovative products and services that create utility while instilling brand loyalty into their audience. Advertising today requires knowledge and understanding of digital analytic data, as well as the means to understand the implications of that data and how to maneuver the digital terrain.
A recent blog post on Harvard Business Review propositions that advertisers need to be inventors. They need to know what to build, how to build it and how optimize it for guaranteed results. The thought process, therefore, is changing. The dimensions, once limited to print surfaces, are now innumerable, with new products being invested every day.
The advertisers of the future are the people who are currently developing mobile apps to help solve problems in their everyday lives. They are the ones who have clever ideas for new ways to use technology – and ACTUALLY act on them.
The team at our Orlando advertising agency encourages creativity in advertising my fostering contribution, by allowing everyone to contribute at every level of experience. We strive to keep up with trends in digital technology, frequently attending showcases and networking events to learn about recent developments.
How are you fostering creativity in advertising at your business or agency?