Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women with more than 220,00 women in the United States diagnosed each year. And every October, people around the world come together in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness of issues pertaining to breast cancer symptoms and treatment options.
At our Orlando ad agency, we’re constantly impressed with the marketing efforts we see that help build awareness of the breast cancer throughout the month. These efforts stretch far beyond 5k races and marches, and actively produce partnerships that result in additional funds for charitable causes, as well as increased sales for brands.
For instance, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, which produces sweetened malt beverages with the same alcohol content as beer, also sells a seasonal product called Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade. The product’s pink packaging recognizes breast cancer awareness, in support of a Mike’s employee who lost the battle against breast cancer in 2009. Sales of the product support The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and the product continues to be a favorite of Mike’s customers to this day.
Sales of this product benefit the business in several ways. First of all, people may be attracted to this product over competitors’ due to its support of breast cancer research. In this instance, more sales not only means more money for charity, but also more money for Mike’s to continue supporting this initiative. Secondly, Mike’s demonstrated support of charitable causes builds goodwill within the community. Finally, the company’s act of recognition prompts emotional responses from breast cancer survivors and their loved ones, as well as people who may have lost family members and loved ones. These people in particular may then become lifelong Mike’s customers, even expanding to try other flavors upon recognizing the business’s commitment to breast cancer awareness.
Companies that are considering supporting breast cancer awareness should be wary of doing such just to garner a profit, as marketing efforts will not seem genuine and may possibly seem sleazy. Instead, these companies should focus on their commitment to social good as part of their overall mission statements, and should tailor marketing efforts to incorporate the act of supporting causes such as breast cancer awareness.
It’s all too common for businesses to engage in “Pinkwashing,” which is the act of a business aligning itself with pink during October to boost sales, without actually supporting any breast cancer awareness initiatives. [quote]Fortunately, businesses that stick to ethical and genuine practices should not expect to receive such backlash.[/quote]
Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a great way to get your company to “think pink” and get involved with a worthwhile cause. Even simple acts such as running charity drives, selling promotional products to help support breast cancer survivors, and using products to raise awareness are great ways to align a business with a worthy cause while also promoting goodwill for the company.
The team at our Orlando marketing agency hopes you will consider these tips when planning your marketing efforts for October. Even just a few dollars in support of the cause can do great things.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, join us to support MD Anderson Cancer Center by making a donation.