Let’s get social! If you’re looking for your next #FollowFriday, #MarketingCrushMonday, or #WisdomWednesday post, look no further. Here is a full line up of our favorite social media content marketing masterminds. They are experts in their own category, so it’s no surprise that their social accounts are packed with marketing tips and digital trends that your business can’t live without. In addition to boosting your social presence, connecting with these social media content marketing masterminds will give you an inside track into the best digital marketing techniques and trends to steal right now.
Neil Patel – @neilpatel:
Aside from his impressive resume starting @CrazyEgg and @Kissmetrics, Neil Patel’s social media following has a near cult-like allure thanks to his pithy and user-friendly social media content marketing guides. He regularly serves up marketing tips and tools for his followers that will have you liking and sharing time and time again (think: Is your content marketing strategy in line with your competition and Twitter advertising guides?).
Sandy Carter – @sandy_carter:
Being a popular social powerhouse, TEDtalk veteran, #socbiz champion, and General Manager of IBM’s Social Business Evangelism team earns Sandy Carter a top spot on our list of social media content marketing masterminds. Her content is always relevant, laced with humanity and humor, and about how we use social media to change the marketing landscape.
Michael Stelzner – @mike_stelzner
Social Media Examiner (@SMExaminer) is one of the most popular social media content marketing blogs on the market. Whether you’re beginning your career in social media and content marketing, or a seasoned veteran, Social Media Examiner provides clear insights into the latest social media trends. Founder and owner Michael Steizner serves as a very human voice and face behind the site. As a a father, man of faith, and inspirational speaker, it’s hard not to get on board with his personal (and professional) social brand.
Shama Hyder – @Shama:
You know you’re an OSMG (original social media gangster) when your Twitter handle is simply your first name. Shana Hyder was ranked by Forbes as one of their top 30 under 30 after founding Social Media Marketing Zen. She recently released a new book called #Momentum, which discusses the power of digital and social marketing for today’s brands, so we expect lots of great things – and Tweets – out of Shama in the months to come.
Sheryl Sandberg – @sherylsandberg:
What list of social media influencers would be complete without Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg? Sheryl’s own story shows the power of content marketing and how it can transform our lives and our brands. In Sheryl’s New York Time’s bestselling novel, Lean In, she shares her personal evolution and what it takes to be a successful digital marketing and social media expert. Each day, her posts on social media remind followers how to define their own definitions of success.
Melonie Dodaro – @MelonieDodaro:
It’s easy to get caught up in the glitz and glamor of social media sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook; but LinkedIn remains one of the most engaged social user sites and boasts the strongest socioeconomic consumer base potential. Melonie Dadaro shares her perspective on how to harness the power of this professional platform in her book, The LinkedIn Code, as well as through her social media content marketing sites and blog.
Brian Halligan – @bhalligan:
Brian Halligan is, without question, THE king of inbound marketing. When he founded @HubSpot a few years ago, no one could have guessed the massive revolution he was starting. His posts give you an inside look into the vision behind his thought leadership and the wave we know as content marketing and inbound strategy. He is an expert social marketer and eager to share his knowledge.
Mari Smith – @MariSmith
Instagram ads, Facebook reach, and content engagement, oh my! Indeed, Mari Smith has a handle on it all. Her reputation hinges on a deep understanding of social media content marketing and Facebook content generation. She is a regular speaker and blogger, musing on everything from how to build social influence to how to write content.
Leo Widrich – @LeoWid
Just because we’re talking social media content marketing, doesn’t mean you can do without analytics. COO and founder of @buffer, Leo Widrich is an analytics expert who will earn and keep your attention, we promise. His straightforward assessments of how social media and digital marketing tools drive key performance metrics make analytics accessible without getting bogged down with technical jargon.
Ann Smarty – @SEOSmarty
Ann’s primary focus is on SEO, but her debut blog, ViralContentBuzz.com, focuses on the power of viral content marketing and how social influence can revolutionize your conversion efforts. Her social media presence is, itself, a testament to the power of shareable content and how to increase your audience through inbound marketing and true viral buzz.
While you’re at it, don’t forget to connect with us via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay current with our company culture. Who knows, maybe you’ll be on our next social media masterminds list.