We’re gettin’ down to the nitty gritty of 4 Facebook Marketing Do’s and Don’ts, an article published from our very own Vice President of Strategy and Insight . Soak it up people!
Originally published February 22, 2016 on BrandBlab.
The Facebook marketing do’s
1. Visual content reigns – Start with relevant and compelling videos or high-quality images first in order to tell the story and support it with minimal copy. Utilize the new photo/video posting options by sharing multiple videos, photo album, photo carousel, or create a slideshow.
2. Be social – Seems obvious but socializing requires consideration and an openness to enter into a two-way dialogue with someone. Broadcasting and publishing content is a one-way monologue and doesn’t forge friendships. Take interest in what others are posting on and off your page and engage with them. Also tag those who are significant to the nature of your posts.
3. Spell check is your friend – Don’t ruin great content and social dialogue with typos and grammatical errors. Always run spell check and carefully proof every word and punctuation before you hit enter. Your digital language is representative of your brand’s personality.
4. Targeting – With the decline in Facebook page reach, post targeting is a feature that can get posts to the right audience. You can ensure that your posts are connecting with a specific demo with relatable interests. A minimum of 20 people must be in the target group.
The Facebook marketing don’ts
1. #TooManyHashtags – Hashtags are not as actively used as they are on Twitter and Instagram. However, be sure not to flood your copy with hashtags and definitely avoid making up random non-trending hashtags as substitutes for phrases in your sentence.
2. The commercial – Organic content on Facebook should not be salesy or promotional in nature. That’s like going to a friend’s house party and instead of socializing, trying to sell merchandise out of a suitcase to the guests. Use Facebook Ads to strategically advertise your wares to the right audience seeking what you have to offer and leave your organic content to nurturing sincere relationships with your audience.
3. The short story – Do not write a paragraph worth of copy unless you want to ensure that no one read it. While Generation X and Baby Boomers are the growing demos on Facebook, their attention spans are not much greater than that of the younger generations. Keep it concise and limited to a sentence or two if at all possible.
4. Barking orders – There is absolutely no need to tell your audience to “click here for more,” “watch this video,” or “like this.” They will do everything you want them to do and more if you are compelling, relevant, and engaging with your content. After all, you should desire real fans and not those that feel obligated to follow your demands.