Consumer Insights

What Makes a Social Media Campaign Successful Alternatives to ROI

What makes a social media campaign so successful?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned here at our Orlando ad agency, it can be very difficult to offer a clear cut return on investment for social media efforts.  In fact, most companies inherently sense that there is some value in having an active and engaging social media platform, but because they can’t always tie …

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Ben Jerrys Twitter Treats 1200x600 c default

Ben & Jerry’s Twitter Treats, promotion in a creative way

Most Twitter users hardly ever use all of the allotted 140 characters they’re allowed to tweet. Ben & Jerry’s decided to utilize this fact to promote a witty campaign called Fair Tweets (see the video splainer – a BIGEYE favorite), not only for its company, but also for a good cause. On May 14, in …

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How Marketing Helps Companies

How Marketing Helps Companies

According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing can be defined as the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. With this definition, we can see that marketing is essential to the success of a company. To take this a step further, we can say that marketing even begins before the production …

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