Attribution Modeling

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Marketing Attribution 101: Essential to Understanding Ad Spend

Basic marketing analytics shows visits and conversions at the point of sale. At the same time, only tracking sales conversions offers limited insight into the performance of overall ad spend. Clear marketing attribution can fill in the blanks. For instance, knowing that a certain eCommerce page or store counter took sales does not account for …

Marketing Attribution 101: Essential to Understanding Ad Spend Read More »

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How Gap Inc. Uses Attribution Modeling to Build Direct Connections

Understanding and connecting with an audience on a deep level is the Holy Grail of sorts for most marketers. Businesses with real insight into who their customers are can understand what truly motivates them. Customers, on the other hand, feel better about businesses (and marketing in general) when they feel they are being addressed as …

How Gap Inc. Uses Attribution Modeling to Build Direct Connections Read More »

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Want Deeper Insights into Your Attribution Modeling? Ask a Model

Marketing used to be a lot simpler. Businesses had just a handful of channels to operate in, making assigning credit for purchases a fairly trivial task. These days, channels have proliferated and we have seen a vast increase in the number of consumer touch points. Attribution modeling is one of the best solutions for tracking sales costs and campaign success. Attribution …

Want Deeper Insights into Your Attribution Modeling? Ask a Model Read More »

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Omni-channel, Cross-channel, & Multi-channel Attribution, oh my!

Cracking the customer code shouldn’t feel impossible. We’re all customers, after all. Yet making marketing decisions can sometimes veer too far into Mad Men-style gut checks and intuition, or too far toward a clinical analysis of data that leaves out that emotional element. Attribution modeling — whether you call it omni-channel, cross-channel, or multi-channel — …

Omni-channel, Cross-channel, & Multi-channel Attribution, oh my! Read More »

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Attribution marketing unlocks optimal mix for on & offline efforts

When people think about attribution marketing, they often think of it as a digital tool. Although this mindset is somewhat misleading, it makes sense because many of the earliest attribution models focused primarily on tracking digital touch points. As our understanding of attribution has become more refined however, we know that the digital world is …

Attribution marketing unlocks optimal mix for on & offline efforts Read More »

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What is marketing attribution & why it matters to your business

Imagine that you launched a new retargeting campaign yesterday that serves website visitors a mobile Facebook ad after they browsed items in your e-commerce platform on their laptop. Now imagine that today you emailed your newsletter database a 20% off coupon code to kick off the spring season. When a customer comes into your store …

What is marketing attribution & why it matters to your business Read More »

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True or false: Myths about cross-channel attribution marketing

Over the next three years, more than 73% of brands plan to increase their marketing analytics spend in an attempt to understand the ubiquitous notion of attribution marketing, according to Forbes . Attribution, or cross-channel marketing is a relatively new trend that has taken the digital world by storm and attempts to assign value to …

True or false: Myths about cross-channel attribution marketing Read More »

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Dear Chipotle: Clickbait isn’t always a bad thing

Let’s get controversial. You’ve probably heard the saying, “no news is good news.” You’ve probably also heard the saying, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” But when your company is the target of bad press – such as fast-food behemoth Chipotle’s recent scandal, thanks to the “Chubby Chipotle” smear campaign running in the New …

Dear Chipotle: Clickbait isn’t always a bad thing Read More »

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