Advertising is all about making a product or service known and this service is usually accomplished by the individual himself or by a marketing agency. Having the passion and creative talent to build and manage an advertising agency is one thing, however to stay in business; you have to learn how to market your advertising agency as well, not just your clients.
The first thing in marketing your business is to make sure that you plan and develop ways to reach your target audience, which is usually companies and businesses that will want to advertise their products or services by using your expertise in advertising. Though you will often use networking and different media such as radio, television and the internet, your efforts will usually work best if you create space for yourself in a particular advertising medium by specializing in one or two advertising media and by developing a presence in this area.
For example, if you are running an ad agency in Orlando or a marketing agency in Florida, you will want to focus primarily on businesses in Orlando. You can even narrow down your search to only radio networks, television networks or internet advertising depending on your expertise.
Your business needs to have a unique identity. You need to give it a name and a description that sets it apart from other advertising agencies. You should try to describe yourself in a way that sets you apart as unique and professional, and communicate how advertising with you will bring more value to your customers just by adding themselves to your network. Be creative!
While in this process, you also have to identify who your potential client is and in doing so you will easily know where to locate them and engage with them either directly or indirectly to learn more about your business and to take interest in your offers.
For marketing efforts that are localized, as in the case of Orlando ad agencies as mentioned in the example above, localizing your marketing efforts does make sense. However if your company is looking to reach a worldwide audience, and also planning to go international, then you do not have to leave any avenues untouched. The larger you are able to spread your net, the greater the possibility of catching new business. You should be positioned to try satellite television, magazines, newspapers, radio, social media, and even other non-traditional media.
However, you will need to research each medium appropriately in order to find out where your target population is and then focus on this niche for maximum effect so you dowaste your resources.
Going online can easily bring you to a worldwide audience, and to keep in touch, you will need to be constantly supplying keywords and new content. Spread your reaches by sharing in advertising networks where you can put your adverts on certain networks and pay a commission or post links and adverts on certain networks who in return will also post adverts on your site. You can also work through social media platforms to create links and make new customers.
Are you in need of a comprehensive approach to determine which solutions best meet the needs of your clientele? Contact our advertising agency’s team of strategists to identify your perfect marketing mix.