Beer companies get a bad rap when it comes to marketing beer to women. A recent article that appeared on Fast Company noted that 75% of beer purchases are by men. The article also went on to note that historically, beer companies have had trouble reaching females when it comes to marketing. These companies miss the mark by trying to sell these women by creating and selling sugary drinks that aren’t exactly in line with women’s tastes, which, according to the data, is primarily geared to wine.
So, what can these beer distributors do to get women on board with their brands and potentially double their revenue? There seem to be a number of strategies that companies can use to increase revenue through female purchasers – and they don’t taste like cough syrup in a bottle.
[quote]Product innovations may be key.[/quote]Just because women typically don’t like the harsh tastes of beer doesn’t mean that beer marketers need to create drinks that taste more like candy than beer. In fact, some of the more successful beer drinks marketed toward women are part of an expensive line of lambics from Lindeman’s. These fruit-flavored beers have a slight sweetness, but are heavier and bolder than a malt-based wine cooler.
But, for companies that lack the budgets to produce beers directed at women, there is still hope. While years ago beer drinking may have been uncommon by women, today is another story.
Women currently make up 25% of the beer market, yet many beer ads and marketing promotions are directed toward men. These marketing spots often come across as testosterone-fueled, showing scantily clad women alongside the men who are trying to win them over.
If the classic idea that men don’t understand what women want is true at all, then perhaps it is time for beer companies to take note of this and get a woman’s perspective. Focus groups, qualitative data and data collected from surveys and social media can give you insight into what the masses are thinking.
And, speaking of social media, women are extremely active on platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook. Developing a Pinterest strategy for your beer company can help your marketing team reach women where they live on the internet – the internet pin board is 97% female, and numerous companies that have run Pinterest campaigns have shown significant success.
As with all marketing, it is important to have a strong product. But, with marketing, it’s how you sell it that’s key. Each time I go to the bar, I see women drinking beer alongside their boyfriends or the other men in the group. Beer is also generally cheaper. It may be higher in calories, but brands like Budweiser have learned to reach women by creating a beer that is lower in calories than a traditional beer.
If your goal is to try reach women consumers, do what most successful companies do – make sure you have a superior product, and sell it accordingly. And, if your bubblegum flavored hot pink malt liquor drink isn’t a huge success like you’d hoped, talk to our Orlando advertising agency about how we can help you create a better beer marketing strategy to reach women.
To learn more about how you can market to moms in order to create brand preference and instill brand loyalty, contact us today! Our team of experts is poised to share strategies for segmentation, creating appeals and assessing your own brand to attract the perfect female audience for your product or service!