Below is an infographic that explains the increasing size of the mobile market and the importance of mobile marketing in order to reach these consumers.
Mobile marketing and tagging.

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People are spending more time on their mobile phones than ever before. This new marketing world consists of terms like smartphones, SEO, mobile sites, geolocations, and social marketing. As marketers we have to understand these new types of consumers and how best to reach them. Technologies like geolocation and mobile tagging can help us better understand the mobile consumer and deliver more relevant messages. Learn the state of mobile marketing in the following infographic, brought to you by Microsoft Tag. What is the size of the mobile market? Of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones in use. 1.08 billion are smartphones and a whopping 3.05 billion are SMS enabled. (950 million are not SMS enabled) How fast is mobile internet growing? By 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage. How has usability changed?Because of the increasing use of mobiles, their versatility is always growing. One half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices. Mobile tags provide more product information like comparison shopping offers than traditional barcodes. 86% of mobile internet users are using their devices while watching TV. How are coupons used on mobile devices? Mobile tags can serve up coupons that can be redeemed instantaneously in store. 29% of mobile users are open to scanning a mobile tag to get coupons. How much do people use their mobile phones. On average Americans spend 2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile device. That’s over twice the amount of time they spend eating, and over ⅓ of the time they spend sleeping each day. And 91% of mobile internet access is to socialize compared to 79% on desktops. What do people use their mobile phones for? Games 61% Weather 55% Maps/Search 50% Social Networking 49% Music 42% News 36% Entertainment 33% Dining 25% Video 21% What is the state of social and mobile marketing. Over ⅓ of Facebooko’s 600 million + user base uses Facebook Mobile. 50% of them use Twitter Mobile. 200 Million YouTube views occur on mobile devices per day. 30% of smartphone owners accessed social networks via mobile browser. Women ages 35 to 54 are the most active group in mobile socialization. Scan this Tag to watch a video about Microsoft Tag.