With over 400 million users, Google + is a marketing opportunity you can’t pass up. We recommend incorporating Google+ into the social media aspects of advertising campaigns for all of our Florida advertising agency clients. With an average referral rate, there is good potential for your business to get some great promotion from it. Take a cue from the some of the top brand pages and how they are working the Google+ scene.
Cadbury UK
(2,863,888 Followers-as of this publication)
- Cadbury UK images and posts are both conversational and eye catching. Each image is branded with their logo or branding colors to have more visual impact on the audience’s memory. With every image they include a light hearted engaging comment about their new product or even asking a question of the audience to stir a response.
- Currently they are featuring a campaign for Cadbury Egg recipes and created a Google+ community page for fans to share their edible Cadbury Egg creations. An eggcelent idea to help boost consumer engagement!
(2,587,411 Followers-as of this publication)
- From fashion spreads, new product updates, celebrity stylists, music videos and fashion tips, H&M provides variety within their posts to keep followers engaged and coming back for more.
- Since H&M is a fashion clothing brand, much of its content is image driven and mainly of their own products. Posts are conversational and relevant to the brand.
Time Magazine
(2,551,424 Followers-as of this publication)
- Following of-the-moment and on-trend topics, Time Magazine updates its page with top news stories, trending questions and intriguing images like NASA’s view of Earth at night and behind the scene pictures from the White House to increase customer engagement.
- Even though Time is known for its more serious news pieces, it uses Google+ as a platform for more viral style content to keep followers entertained as well as informed. A great way to ad variety, charm, and personality to a page that could easily become stale and stagnant with constant news updates.
Key practices to take note of:
- Engaging & Interactive Media Content: Give your posts a dose of variety by supplying a mix of video, themed images, links, comments, and the occasional light hearted or humorous post to keep your audience coming back to your page more and more.
- On Brand Posts: Consider this art of your branding. When posting make sure all content is in line with your company brand. People have expectations based on your branding or what type of business you are, so be true to your brand and give followers what they are looking for.
- Promotions: Since Google+ has a strict non-advertising policy, use content driven promotions to spread the word about a new product, discount, deal, etc. It will boost our existing content and engage your followers to act.
- Current or Trending Statements: Follow the lead on trending conversations especially if it deals with your line of business and post about leading stories. It will keep your content current, as well as boost conversations with followers.
- Google+ Tips: Check out the Google+ Business site or download the Google+ For Business Guide for more tips on how to utilize Google+ to its full potential.