Email can be a drag. You’ve seen it – the constant emails from businesses begging for your money, offering not-so-great “deals” and “limited time offers,” emails that you immediately delete or leave as unread, depending on whether you’re super organized, or are a bit of an email hoarder, like me.
But wait… every once in a while, there’s that email from that brand you love: Nike, Bloomingdale’s, or maybe Tom’s. It’s the one you always open, even if you know you’re not in the market for anything they’re offering anytime soon.[quote]You know once you open it, you’ll see something that inspires you, and reminds you why you love the brand in the first place.[/quote]
These awesome messages are rare, but guess what? You can make awesome emails for your brand, too! It’s part art and part science, but get the materials together, and the team at our Orlando marketing agency assures you that you too can entice fans to open your emails every time.
The Art & Design Of It
You don’t have to be the Frank Lloyd Wright of email design to make a great-looking email. There are decent, customizable templates all over the internet, and for just a little more, you can hire people to make it for you. Once you have the template set, you can (and should) use that as a resource for all your email marketing for quite a while, so don’t be afraid to put a few bucks to get the real deal, as opposed to the a cheesy knockoff.
But it’s not just making a beautiful email that pops out toward the reader – it’s also about making sure it has a great voice, and that the voice matches your brand. Are you a quirky company? Then why not include a silly fact or joke on your list? More serious? Then be sure to use elegant language and great imagery.
Also, in your email blasts, there’s no room for typos. Get a second opinion before you try to connect with your thousands of loyal patrons.
The Science Of It
Okay, so it looks great, it’s well-written and there are no glaring issues that might make it seem unprofessional. But, you’re still not seeing results. What gives?
Well, unfortunately, good visual design isn’t enough. Even though your email might look stunning, there are also unfortunately a few user experience cues to take in order to design the perfect email for your brand.
The best way to test user experience is to get feedback. Not from your friends and family, because they’ll always want to tell you how great you are, but from – you guessed it – the people who will actually be reading your emails. Send them a survey using Survey Monkey or any one of the other dozens of survey programs out there.
You can also do A/B testing to test the effectiveness of things like subject lines, the wording of your call to action, and photo placement. When testing, think of the scientific method: Question, research, hypothesis, test, analyze and share your results. Following this method will give you great data sets that you can put into action on future emails.
The Result: Best Email Marketing Ever!
The reality is, you don’t have to rely on terrible puns and silly cat photos to help sell your product through email marketing. Try these tips from our Florida marketing agency to create clear and effective emails, and watch as your emails become the only ones that don’t directly to the archive.
Contact BIGEYE today and let us develop an email marketing campaign for your company!