The highly esteemed Associated Press Stylebook, also known as the “Journalist’s Bible,” has recently inducted “unfollow,” “retweet,” “tagging,” and 18 other social media terms into its newly revised 2011 print edition. Surprised? We’re not. Over the past several years, new connotations of such words have emerged through social networking sites, and have moseyed their way into day-to-day dialogues.
Language is extremely fluid, changing and adapting to current culture. A “wall” is no longer just a structure that ensures personal space; it’s now a public space where “friends” can post comments, videos and pictures.
Created in 1953, the AP Stylebook has been a very prestigious source of information for more than 50 years. The fact that the AP editors think social media terms are worth publishing just goes to show the impact social media platforms have on the public.
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube offer successful routes toward global communication, allowing you to essentially keep a public account of what’s happening in your world, and follow the lives of others. And it’s not just the younger generation that’s “tweeting,” but corporate companies and other professional organizations are as well. Company leaders are utilizing social media sites to increase exposure on the same platforms as their target audience. Even the AP Stylebook tweeted about the addition of these social media terms!
With technology continuously progressing and advancing, the digital world is becoming the most efficient way to do, well … just about everything! So, in the past, if you have been wary about engaging in the alternate universe we call social networking, don’t be afraid. Submerge yourself; you will be surprised at the endless possibilities available to you within just a few clicks.
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