CBD has gone from fringe to mainstream in record time — and treating pets with CBD is the latest trend. So what does this mean for pet care marketing?
Step into any CVS or local convenience store and you’re likely to be surrounded by CBD-infused products. In a very short period of time, CBD supplementation has gone from a fringe concern to a full-fledged health and wellness phenomenon. Rapid growth in CBD use isn’t strictly driven by human consumption, however; many pet owners are also dosing their animals — something with profound implications for brands engaged in pet care marketing.
Let’s take a closer look at CBD’s benefits, the reasons for its newfound prominence and the impact it’s having on the pet care industry.
CBD 101
For the uninitiated, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant. While CBD is a chemical component of cannabis (one of hundreds), it does not have an intoxicating effect.
It does appear, however, to have health benefits. Research has shown that CBD can have a positive effect on anxiety, depression, insomnia and certain forms of pain. CBD is commonly administered in oils and gummies and can be taken orally or through the skin.
Why is CBD exploding in popularity?
In a word: Legality. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the sale of CBD products across the U.S., allowing them to be widely sold in retail and online settings. Prior to this, CBD products existed in a legal and regulatory gray market.
This gray market status acted as a brake on CBD growth. While there are local jurisdictions that still have regulations governing CBD, production and sale of the compound is fully legal under federal jurisdiction. This has given CBD brands and large retailers the confidence to market these products vigorously — and they’ve found a highly receptive market. Many people are seeking natural, non-pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety, insomnia and other issues, both for themselves and for their pets.
Why has CBD captured the fancy of pet owners?
CBD-infused pet supplements and treats represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the pet care market. CBD pet products are projected to have a compound annual growth rate of 57% over the next five years.
The reason for this is simple: Anxiety, pain and inflammation are all widespread, chronic conditions for household pets. Roughly 20% to 40% of dogs presented to veterinary behavioral specialists are diagnosed with anxiety. Meanwhile, virtually all pets struggle with inflammation and pain during their final stage of life.
Many pet owners are seeking an alternative to vet-prescribed pharmaceuticals. Additionally, vet care isn’t always accessible to pet owners. CBD pet products are filling this niche — and experiencing extraordinary growth in the process.
What does this mean for pet care marketing?
Grain-free dog food and CBD pet supplements and treats are the two trends responsible driving much of the new growth within the pet care sector. As such, both have the attention of pet care brands and pet care marketing agencies.
Marketers would do well to consider the common thread between grain-free dog food and CBD treats: Both product categories offer something new and ostensibly better for pets. Today’s pet owners consider themselves to be more like “pet parents,” and they are willing to do whatever they can to give their furry children the best experiences and products possible.
This attitude should be top of mind not only when marketers are creating ad messages, but also when engaged in package design, identity and other branding elements.
Finding the right pet care marketing agency
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks — so why bother waiting for your existing marketing agency to modernize its approach to pet marketing? At BIGEYE, we’re pet marketing experts. Whether you need brand naming services, SEO expertise or any one of our full suite of marketing services, we’ll help you create the kind of work that makes audiences sit up and beg for more information.