Author name: bigeyeuser

How to Identify Different Types of Ad Agencies

How to Identify Different Types of Ad Agencies Right Away

Advertising is one of the earliest concepts of human economic activity. This has developed with the coming of every new technology and continues to grow each day. Drawings, printing, telephone, television and more recently the internet and social media marketing have all made their mark in the history of advertising, and who knows what tomorrow …

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How Marketing Helps Companies

How Marketing Helps Companies

According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing can be defined as the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. With this definition, we can see that marketing is essential to the success of a company. To take this a step further, we can say that marketing even begins before the production …

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Characteristics of Great Web Design

The internet plays a great role in the information transfer today and one of the major ways through which information is shared is through websites. There are many different kinds of websites, some just for information, some for games and others for commercial activity. No matter what the purpose of the site is, it needs …

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Characteristics of a Great Website

If you hit a search term and come up with websites dealing with the same subject, it is certain that some will attract your attention than others, even when they may all carry the same content. If you are a user, you can switch until you find a site that can quickly give you what …

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Alternative Marketing Strategies

Alternative marketing strategies

The average person has five social media accounts, and if we told you how much time they spent on each one, you probably wouldn’t believe us. It’s time to create some unique methods for reaching new customers that your company has probably never used before. Into the world of alternative marketing, we go! The growth …

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Advantages of Using Social Media to Promote your Business

Advantages of Using Social Media to Promote Your Business

Social media is generally used to describe interactive communication and dialogue that is common to the internet today. This is sometimes referred to as web 2.0 and at the heart of this is what is known as user generated content. It included software and tools that allow users to create and share content among each …

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